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Inspiring stories from Inspiring Women 💕- International Women’s Day

International Women's Day

It’s International Women’s Day but what does it really mean to be a British woman in 2021? To mark International Women’s Day, Collection Cosmetics spoke to five incredible, inspiring women about their inspirations, self-care and top career tips.

Kate Hayes 

Womens Day

Do you have an inspirational woman that has inspired you? 

I would say my Mum she doesn’t have much, but she has the kindest heart. Sometimes it’s not about the success of money or fame, if you have a kind heart you don’t need much else and my Mum has exactly that.

What does self-care mean for you?  

Self-care for me is looking after my mental health. It's so important. Even having a glass of wine on the weekend with some chocolate, can make a huge difference.

What advice would you give to your younger self? 

Not to care about what other people think of you. I know it’s easier said than done but stick to working on your goals and don’t listen to other people’s negative opinions. As I get older, I care less about what people think of me.

Career-wise, what would you say drives you? 

My family. My daughter and my partner because they are my world. Nothing else drives me more than the idea of a perfect family life. What better motivation is there to have than your children, everything I do is for my daughter Olive.  

Dorathy and J

Womens Day

Do you have an inspirational woman that has inspired you?

Yes! Lorna Luxe, I am obsessed with her. For me she is the most authentic influencer ever. Sometimes I find myself watching her stores and I’ve been sold 10 items within 30 minutes.

People don’t realise what goes into being an ‘influencer’. Instagram is more than a full-time job it doesn’t stop at 35 hours a week. 

What does self-care mean for you?

I don’t get much time for typical self-care but the small things for me are a cup of tea when I need a 5-minute break from working and listening to some calm music. 

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I have so much advice for my younger self! Don’t stress about your future and don’t do things because you feel you need to. I went to University because it was everyone’s natural progression, but it didn’t work out for me. After leaving, everything from there fell into place and I believe what is meant for you won’t pass you. 

Career-wise, what would you say drives you?

I’ve always been driven and a perfectionist. Once I put all my effort into something, I can’t let it fail, it’s never an option. I have met so many lovely and loyal customers through Instagram who make it easy to carry on when things get tough. I always think ‘I haven’t come this far to only come this far.

Jodie Kinnear  

Womens Day

Do you have an inspirational woman that has inspired you?

I’d have to say my mum. She’s always been such a positive person which has 100% rubbed off on me. She’s also ran her own business since I was a baby and works so hard to make it successful, seeing her do something she loves and see it pay-off gave me the push to do it too! 

What does self-care mean for you?

I’m such an active person and look after my physical health every day at work, but it’s about doing small things that make me happy too.. making sure I spend time with my friends and finding time to switch off from exercise and let myself chill out. 

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I’d say, ‘go for it’ and don’t waste time thinking ‘what if’. Making the decision to start my own PT career was the scariest, but most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I was so worried it wouldn’t pay-off, but it’s been the best 3 years of my career! 

Career-wise, what would you say drives you? 

It has to be my clients! Seeing the change in not just their physical appearance, but their mental attitude towards health and exercise is amazing. I just love being a part of their journey and helping them achieve their goals. 

Alex Louise

Women's Day

Do you have an inspirational woman that has inspired you?

My Mum is definitely my biggest inspiration in my life - she’s a powerhouse. She’s always been the hardest working person I know. My goal in life is to be at least half the women that she is.

What does self-care mean for you?

To me, self-care is listening to yourself, and what your body needs. Sometimes self-care is going for a long walk and getting fresh air. Sometimes it’s sitting in bed all day watching Legally Blonde. It’s definitely not one size fits all.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

There’s so much I’d love to say to my younger self (especially regarding my terrible makeup at the time!) but the main advice I’d give to me is to stop caring so much what everyone else thinks and focus on my own goals and happiness.

Career-wise, what would you say drives you?

I’ve always been my biggest competition, and that’s definitely my main driving force in work. I want to look back at my work from a month ago and see improvement, and I want that improvement to be consistent.

There are so many incredibly inspiring women in the beauty industry, it’s hard not to be motivated when you’re surrounded by the best!

Rebecca Lauren 

Women's Day

Do you have an inspirational woman that has inspired you? 

Most girls will say this but 100% my mum. Such an amazing woman that I will forever look up to. She’s the most selfless, kind, caring person and will do anything for anyone, if I can be half the mum to my daughter as she’s been to me then I’m doing amazing!

What does self-care mean for you?

Making time for myself, even though I find this hard as I’m a mum and don’t get much free time, but keeping on top of my health and fitness definitely keeps me feeling good about myself.

What advice would you give to your younger self? 

You come across some special friends in your life, hold onto them! One of my biggest regrets is letting friendships fade. Step outside your comfort zone more, don’t be afraid to try new things. Believe in yourself more, being self-employed is hard and has it’s ups and downs and the beauty industry can be competitive but at the same time it’s one of the most positive and supportive industries. 

Career-wise, what would you say drives you? 

Making myself and my family proud is at the top. To show my little girl that you can do anything you put your mind to, run your own business and have a career that isn’t just to pay bills, it’s something you’re really passionate about! I want her to have the best life possible, so this always makes me want to push more! I also love making my clients feel amazing about themselves, it is honestly the best feeling.



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